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Anxiety is the persistent feeling of anxiousness which is seen to overwhelm a person and impact their daily living

Anxiety Counsellingg Brisbane

Anxiety can range from feeling worried to severe panic attacks. Though all of us have occasional anxious moments, people who suffer from Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) experience excessive levels of anxiety, distress and tension which interferes with their capacity to live normal, happy lives. This anxiety can be continuous and may be without apparent reason. It may include concern over events or issues unlikely to occur and typically includes worrying about everyday aspects of living like health, money, relationships and the future. People suffering from this condition may experience interrupted sleep, muscle tension, rapid heart rate, headaches, fatigue and concentration problems, as well as an increased risk of other problems such as depression, substance misuse and relationship difficulties.


Other anxiety-related conditions include:

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & Trauma Counselling 

PTSD can occur in people who have experienced, witnessed or been told about a severe physical or emotional crisis or trauma. People who suffer from PTSD find it very difficult to put the trauma behind them and often experience recurring nightmares, flashbacks and severe distress which reminds them of the event. Difficulty sleeping is a common symptom of PTSD.
Our approach to PTSD trauma counselling varies from person to person – everyone is different and trauma manifests in many ways. Patience is a key ingredient for any lasting change. Trauma counselling is a vital step to overcoming PTSD.


Performance Anxiety 

People with Performance Anxiety suffer extreme tension and apprehension in situations where they are in front of others. These situations might include public speaking, exams and singing. Alternatively, it may be small social gatherings (even with friends) that incites anxiety.


Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia

Panic Disorder involves sudden and unexpected bursts of anxiety known as panic attacks. These attacks usually occur suddenly and build to a peak rapidly. They may involve a rapid heart rate, tightness in the chest, feelings of restricted airflow or suffocation, racing thoughts, sweating, nausea and the belief that one is losing control, will collapse or go ‘mad’. Panic Attacks may be daily and/or might be associated with particular places (bus stops, trains, shopping centres, cinemas). Some people are so affected by the far of another attack, they start avoiding certain situations they believe they may panic and are not able to escape or get help. This is called agoraphobia.



A phobia is an extreme and persistent fear of a specific object, situation or activity. This fear cannot be rationalised or contained and often limits the capacity to function.

Phobias can be divided into three categories:

‘Specific phobia’ is an extreme fear of a particular object or situation. Someone who suffers from a specific phobia might, for example, be terrified of flying, or of water, or of a particular animal or insect.

‘Social phobia’ (also known as Social Anxiety Disorder) is fear, anxiety and tension related to the possibility, either real or perceived, of embarrassment, discomfort or humiliation occurring during social interactions or public situations.

‘Agoraphobia’ is an overwhelming fear of having a panic attack or losing control. In particular, the individual with Agoraphobia fears that they are unable to escape or get help in ‘unsafe’ or unfamiliar settings away from home.

Through step-by-step instructions and via your commitment to therapy at The Psychology, Counselling and Wellbeing Centre, Brisbane you will successfully decrease daily anxiety. You will learn the skills necessary to overcome symptoms so that you can enjoy a happier and more fulfilling life. 


Our treatment goals include helping you learn that anxiety is manageable and does not have to control your life.
  • How to apply practical and powerful strategies to assist in your own recovery.

  • How to identify and manage your responses to anxiety triggers.

  • How to identify and modify unhelpful thinking, behaviour and reactions.

  • How to more effectively deal with relationships, stressful situations and life changes.

  • How to increase self-confidence, independence and self-esteem.

  • How to better accept a certain level of anxiety while reaching for important goals.


At our clinic based in Woolloongabba, our team of psychologists are passionate about helping you make the changes you need to live the life you want. If you feel you need Anxiety Counselling please call us on 07 3891 2273.

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