The New Year always comes with mixed feelings -- a feeling of joy, happiness, and frustration. Happy and grateful for the previous year's blessings, but frustrated for all the unaccomplished goals.
Unlike other years, 2020 wasn't fun -- the COVID 19 pandemic made things more complicated. But if you are reading this, it means you survived -- and also willing to strive in the New Year.
The thing with pandemics is its complexity. Everyone would be forced to stay indoors, and when people stay indoors, they would likely overfeed -- and that's not a good thing!
You know what comes after overfeeding -- weight gain.
Well, weight gain could be beneficial for folks, however for most of the population, it's not a healthy sign.
Let's say you gained weight during the lockdown and festive season; the right logical step would be to lose it. And if you are like most people, it's among your new year's resolutions.
But is it a good resolution?
Understanding resolutions
Here are some interesting stats.
Just 9.2% of people achieve their New Year resolution. That's quite poor, considering that millions of folks across the globe set resolutions at the beginning of the year.
Here's the thing, most people don't understand what they want.
For instance, if your resolution for the New Year is to eat healthier, you've got to ask yourself a couple of questions.
What does healthy eating mean to you, and what specific steps would you take to accomplish it?
You see, answers to these questions pretty much get you on the right path.
First off, your weight does not determine your worth, competence, productivity, and genuineness.
When all is said and done, the measure of your success is independent of the tone of your body. It's largely dependent on your accomplishment, the quality of time you spend with your family, and everything in-between.
To a large extent, bodyweight is not controllable. It's dependent on your genetics.
Yes, forget everything you see on mainstream media. Bodyweight has little to do with regular exercise and strict diet routines.
Conclusion -- focus on the right thing.
New Year resolutions are not entirely bad -- at least, it gives you a sense of focus for the New Year.
If you want to get the most out of the year, you've got to focus on more important things like your wellbeing, relationship, and work.
To get started, you would need some help -- and that's where the Psychology, Counseling & Wellbeing Centre comes into play.
You can reach out by calling 07 3891 2273 or email