We all know the hustle and bustle of Christmas can be exhausting. The endless gift shopping, to deciding who is cooking what. We can sometimes forget about ourselves during this time of year. We forget to take a few moments a day to collect our thoughts and make sure our mental health is in check. We often become run down and completely exhausted.
Many of us cannot wait for the holiday season to be over so we can get back into a routine or even just slow down the pace. But were here to give you some tips to make the holiday season just a little bit more bearable this Christmas.
We often forget about our own mental states during this time. But it is important that we are making a conscious effort every day to do a little something for ourselves. Whether this is to read a book or to go shopping by ourselves. It is important to do something for yourself, even for half an hour. You should not feel guilty for doing something for yourself.
This is usually the time of year where everyone falls off the bandwagon a little bit. It is so easy to tell yourself that you will go to gym tomorrow. But exercise is one of the best forms of self-care. It can keep us grounded and sane. Especially at this time of year. A little walk around the park is a good solution to clearing your head and getting prepared.
From rum balls, to eggnog, we all like to indulge in all the glorious foods of the holiday season. But we can do this in moderation. We should remember to replenish our bodies with many fruits and vegetables this holiday season. It’s all about balance.
Making a list can be a life saver. I think we can say that we have all wandered around the shopping centre searching for gifts for hours until you give up and leave empty handed. Try making a list of all things you need to buy before you hit the shops. This will help especially when it comes time to the hectic Christmas food shop the day before Christmas.
Christmas is a time for being together. It is a time to get involved and enjoy some of the things you would not normally do during the year. Make physical connections with friends and family and have a good time. You never know, someone could need it just as much as you.
If you’re struggling with your mental health or having other issues over the holiday season, CWC QLD has a great team of psychologists who are passionate about helping individuals. If you feel you need assistance, please contact us www.cwcqld.com.